Poppy seedlings too leggy
Poppy seedlings too leggy

PRICK OUT - We use a dowel - pencil width. We include dates as well to help us chart our seedlings, information that helps us in coming seasons. USE TAGS TO IDENTIFY CULTIVARS - All seedlings of a family look the same - IE All the tomato varieties look alike! So before you begin pricking out of your labeled lines, write your tags so that everything will be clearly labeled. PREPARE INDIVIDUAL CELLS - Once there are at Least TWO TRUE LEAVES, prepare to prick out your seedlings and transplant them into their own cells.

poppy seedlings too leggy

The true leaves look like the leaves we usually associate with the plant. OBSERVE - Watch for TRUE LEAVES to form after the Cotyledon or seed leaves. Begin to toughen your seedlings a bit more everyday until you remove the dome completely! Check at different times in the day and night to ensure its not too hot nor too cold.ĪIR CIRCULATION - Once seeds have germinated, begin opening the vents on the plastic dome. You may be able to achieve this above your refrigerator. WARMTH - Check packet for ideal germination temperature. This maintains a humid environment and a more constant temperature that seeds love for germination. Use a hose attachment that allows a gentle shower…(think you are washing a toddler after the beach!!) As we have created a trench at the correct sowing depth for the seed, we simply cover to the height of the soil.

poppy seedlings too leggy

We use a seed singulator (pictured) or gently tap the side of the seed packet to help seeds fall individually and not in a clump.ĬOVER - Cover Seeds With Vermiculite. SOW - Sow your seeds! We leave 8- 10mm between each seed. We use masking tape across the length of the tray and write the cultivar name in front on the line We use a piece of wood cut to fit the width of the tray. We find 5 lines in a 35*30cm tray works for most seeds.ĭEPTH - Create the correct depth in each line.

Poppy seedlings too leggy